

About Victory Women

Who Are We?

Victory Women are a league of God empowered women who are represented throughout forty-three different nations and serving among hundreds of Victory churches, orphanages, schools and ministries around the world.

As Victory Women, we are committed to collaborate, participate and co-operate together, to accomplish GREAT things for the glory of God! We are women who believe that we are better together. We celebrate our differences, lean on each other's strengths, and champion every woman to be the best version of herself.

The Victory Women Mandate is founded upon these 4 pillars: 

Pillar #1 - EVANGELISM

We are committed to reaching those who are far from God by courageously declaring the message of Jesus Christ. Though we desire for all to be saved, we have a specific vision to see women and children brought close into loving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Click here to learn more about 'Her Victory' a local mission that is targeted at reaching women in the Calgary, AB area. https://victoryfoundation.ca/about-her-victory/
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.” - Matthew 28:19

Pillar #2 - EDUCATION

We believe that education is a gift from God that empowers an individual with the knowledge and confidence necessary to overcome injustice. We will advocate for educational rights for women and children and seek to improve the quality of life for those less privileged. We will purpose to partner with ministries that build schools and homes for women, widows and orphaned children.
Click here to learn more about 'Victory Children's Homes' and how you can help educate women and children around the world. https://victorychildrenshomes.com/
Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you.” - James 1:27


"We want to see every woman launched into Holy Spirit directed service." ~Dr. Hazel Hill
When Jesus walked on earth, He called out to women, inviting them to participate in His ministry and empowering them to study at His feet. We are committed to empowering women by providing:

  • Information and online resources that will encourage women to flourish in their God-given identity
  • Conferences for the purpose of raising up and releasing women.
  • Regular ‘Round Table Collective’ virtual gatherings, to hear the overarching concerns of our women and collectively work together to meet the needs.
  • Competent and confidential Christian mentorship and counselling through our online helpline

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.” - Proverbs 31:26

Pillar #4 - EXPANSION

We are committed to partner together to see the greater vision of the Kingdom of God enlarged and expanded. We refuse to operate in a mentality of independence. We are committed to collaborate, participate and unify our lives so that together, we can accomplish far greater things than we could on our own. We celebrate our differences, lean on each other’s strengths, and believe in the importance of building God’s Kingdom and not our own. Our strength is in our unity, and our vision is God’s kingdom. May His Kingdom come and His will be done.
Seek first the kingdom of God, above all else.” - Matthew 6:33
"That they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me." - John 17:21

Meet our Founder

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Dr. Hazel Hill
Spiritual Mother/Advisor

Victory Women was founded by Dr. Hazel Hill, the co-founder of Victory Churches International and a global advocate for women's empowerment. Since fearlessly answering the ‘call’ to serve in full-time Christian ministry, Dr. Hazel has been instrumental in opening doors for multitudes to hear and receive the message of Jesus Christ. She is often quoted for saying that "women are God's secret weapon" and desires to see all generations of women working together to build the Kingdom of God. With a lifetime of wisdom and experience, Dr. Hazel pours her life out as a spiritual mother and mentor to countless women all over the globe.

“We want to see every woman launched into Holy Spirit directed service.”

- Dr. Hazel Hill

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