

Love of the Father

Love of the Father


I’m writing this to encourage so many of you busy women out there, who if you are like me sometimes you just feel like there is not enough time in the day to get everything done and to set aside time to do a devotion, or study the Word, pray for your family etc. I always think I’m going to get up earlier and spend time with God and read, but low and behold it doesn’t happen, so I feel guilty and think well tonight after dinner I will get into the Word, okay well before bed then, and no it just doesn’t seem to happen, so I rely on my online videos to feed me.  But I tell you ladies if you find the time to maintain a living connection with God, you will find wisdom and peace and direction that you need to get you through your day with a smile.

About 2 weeks ago, I was having some alone time in my bedroom, just me and God, in prayer, doing a devotion, and God did something so sweet, so beautiful, so encouraging, just for me. He lavished me with the beauty of his love and I am not sure how to explain it, but it was like I had a sense of my earthly parents being able to see me and they both smiled at me and expressed their love to me... it melted me, I came undone. I will not say their presence came down, but more like an open heaven in my bedroom, where they were given a desire, which was to see me !!!!! it was amazing... I had a sense that God said to them, "come here, do you want to see your daughter Carol, she is worshiping me?" It was so glorious, just like heaven being in my room. I am crying now reliving it as I write. I did not want to move. I can not explain it well enough with human words. The weight of the glory kept me in a bubble of love. We can not even comprehend the love that God has for us. A heartfelt prayer and a heart of worship will get our Heavenly Father's attention. Just leave the cares of they day, the complaining, the demands, and just determine to reach your Father with your heart of gratitude for who he is, and what he has done for you. 

Reach out with your spirit, or your heart, not your head and expect to hear from him.

I was listening to an online Christian speaker and she said in all her years of walking with the Lord, he taught her many wonderful things about faith, righteousness, healing and prosperity. Yet the most important principle of Christian living that she learnt, was the secret of maintaining a living connection with God.

If we don't really know God, it doesn't matter how much information we have about Him. We can be full of knowledge about faith. We can understand how it comes, what it does and how to release it. We can study about love until we have memorized every love scripture in the Bible. We can know the steps to healing and prosperity backward and forward. But we won't have the momentum to put those things into action unless we spend time with God and maintain a living connection with Him. When all is said and done, it's not what we know that counts, it's what we actually do. And without vital, continual union with God, we won't be spiritually strong enough to do what we know to do!   It's amazing how many Christian don't realize that or forget about that intimacy God wants with us, me included.  I believe God desires that intimate communication with His daughters because as women we love deeply, and usually have stronger emotions than men and seem to be the glue that holds the family together and we just need that spiritual hug from our Heavenly Father. 

Unfortunately, in our busy lives we tend to rush around trying to do things in our own strength. But because we don't maintain a living connection with God, we end up tired, frustrated and defeated. I think of Martha on the day Jesus ministered in her home. Instead of sitting at Jesus's feet and listening to Him teach the Word as her sister, Mary, was doing she was busy “doing” - Luke 10: 40-42: "But Martha was distracted with much serving, and she approached Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Therefore, tell her to help me.” And Jesus answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things. But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.”   Isn't that a perfect example of how we can be in our busy routines and rushing to get this done and than and maybe if we have time, open our Bible for a quick devotion, maybe say a quick prayer or as I so often do is to - grab my phone and find a video teaching while I'm rushing around the house cleaning or rushing to get ready for work, but not really getting revelation from what I'm hearing and not at all spending time with my Father and letting his Word teach me. We can choose to try 10 step program to peace or we can choose to connect with Jesus and get his peace and direction for the day.

 As you can see from Mary's example, there is nothing complicated about establishing a living connection with Jesus. Even the newest believer can do it. Abiding with God is simply fellow shipping with Him. It's staying in touch with Him. It's talking to Him and listening to Him. It's setting aside the distractions and demands of life and taking the time to commune with Him in His Word and in prayer.

I think of my own sons, they don't fellowship with me like they used to, and I miss that dearly. They don't call me and ask for my direction as they are grown men. Yet I still yearn to talk to them and help them. I would love to just sit down with my sons and talk to them over a cup of coffee before they start their day, but that is not possible with the many miles we are apart from each other. I wonder if that is the way God feels about us?  He longs to talk to us, to visit us, to bless us. God is waiting for us just to sit at his feet even for a few minutes of your day. God, said that he is always with us, will guide us. He said that he would never leave us nor forsake us. I think about how great a Father we have, for God so loved .... so loved.. soooo loved, YOU, and me, that He GAVE His one and only son, Jesus.... Jesus went to the cross for us, so that we could have fellowship with our heavenly Father.  I think worshipping in truth, worship him with a heart of worship, not just lip service, and I believe you will get his attention as you give him yours.  If possible spent time with God, in the morning, before the worries of the day. If you can start with 10 minutes a day if that is all you feel you have in your day, but I assure you, you will come to the point that you can hardly wait for those precious 10 minutes with God and your 10 minutes will increase to 20 and like Mary as you give your full attention to Jesus, you will receive his wisdom and refreshing love message.

If Jesus showed up to my house I think I would be like Martha and run around getting him food and water, yet I would rather, if he came to my house, sit at his feet and learn of him.  Jesus said it would be better, not that Martha was bad or did the wrong thing, so please don’t feel condemned if you are a server, but rather know the best choice, is to seek him and to sit at Jesus feet and learn and let the Holy Spirit give you revelation and direction for your day. 

God Bless all of you beautiful women.

Love Carol