

Secret Place Dance Lessons

Secret Place Dance Lessons

that wasn’t good enough, try harder...

Why do you try so hard?

Maybe you should pray more...

You are not doing enough...

Correction...YOU are not enough for this...

These are some of the rapid-fire accusations that can bombard my thoughts on a low day, causing me to momentarily doubt the goodness of God. I have learned that the devil does not fight fair – ever! He is the liar and the father of lies (John 8:44). He patiently waits for the right moment to attack, generally when you have been knocked down (Luke 4:13). What comes next is discouragement and self-pity mixed with the hint of self-protection. The enemy of the cross delights when I entertain his well-timed suggestions and second guess myself. He is my enemy and only wants harm and misfortune for me and my family in the great hope that I will secretly blame God! He is entertained by suffering, especially of God’s kids. I hate that. I hate that I fall into that trap sometimes. Self-pity has been a good dancer, even a skilled partner knowing how to dazzle and entice even the most steadfast heart - mine. Thankfully, when I come to my senses and remember the truth of who I am in Christ, the music and dance partner changes.

King Jesus is the ultimate choreographer, dancer and my forever life partner! Jesus not only leads me but encourages me to partner with Him for every step of this journey. The twirling, the 1-2-3 step-by-step beautiful rhythm and harmony of being right where I am supposed to be with Jesus is always perfect. I was made for this dance. This dance is created and grows in the place of prayer and encounter. Oh... how I LOVE the secret place with Jesus. It’s the only place for me that I can let the cares of this world (1 Peter 5:7), the running of the church, the next bible study, the next prayer request, the goals of trying to be a Proverbs 31 wife, a doting yet empower-your-kids kind of mama, and the never ending ministry needs cause me to forget how to get there – or EVEN that I need the refreshing of being there! It is the place that the lies and tricks of the enemy cannot go with me, in fact, it’s here that I become aware of the lies. It’s the place I can remember who my Jesus is! He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16) My Jesus waits for me (2 Peter 3:9). He reminds me that He is good all-the-time (Psalm 145)! He gently and patiently calls me into this place through my deep desire for His intimate presence – His sweet company and to simply pull away from it all – just to be with Him- even just for a few moments of the day. There is no place like it anywhere.

In many of my secret place encounters with Him, there is often a dance – it’s one of the ways He speaks to me. Usually in a heavy warfare season, he extends His hand to me to join Him on the dance floor. I know Jesus is the creator of this dance and is the Great Teacher. He is the perfect partner – always. He and I, in the most elegant ballroom fashion, attire and poise enter on to the dance floor for our demonstration of unity and power. But I didn’t know it was going to be a demonstration. I thought it was just a dance. It’s never just a dance with Him. His anointing of rhythm is always teaching, always revealing truth, always perfecting and never condemning. The music, the steps, the posture, the flow – all timed properly and expertly.

Now, I am generally an observant person, being aware of detail in most situations. A walk in the woods can often take longer as I like to take in every flowering plant, wandering beetle, and beautiful shrub along the pathway – looking down has never been my problem – looking up while I walk has been my area of adjustment. This dance floor was round and crystal, like an ornate, exquisitely decorated pedestal cake dish. Oh, the colors and the aromatic passion of His presence filling all my senses. I can dance like I never knew I could. I don’t have to memorize steps or musical changeups, yet it is so natural and easy to follow His lead. We dance step by step in perfect unity and as we do – there is an explosion of brilliantly colored lights shooting out from our matched steps, out into the cosmos – it’s fascinating and growing in intensity and distance as we dance. It’s perfect and power filled.

While enjoying the light show, I notice there are a few rusty cans on the dance floor, which bothers me that such garbage could even remain in this condition in the presence of Christ? My mind is now distracted from the dance and I really desire to kick this can off the stage, so that we can continue without distraction. Jesus knows this and swings me near the can (Psalm 37:4). I kick, miss and totally lose my next step in the dance – everything stops – the music – the lights – Jesus – and me. It’s then that I realize that I shouldn’t have, but the ‘me’ part of the equation wanted to help – reasoned that I could help? I see the problem, therefore it MUST be MY duty to remove the unsightly can from this demonstration of unity? No... I didn’t even ask Jesus if it was for me to kick or to even acknowledge that I had seen it. (Isaiah 26:3) I took control. I didn’t trust that He knows all or even had a plan (Psalm 37). Jesus standing in front of me, with passion and mercy in His blazing eyes and with so much finesse and love – speaks to me in my love language... gentleness.

Angie... I love you... just keep your eyes on Me – don’t get distracted… and let Me lead you”.

I’m so sorry Lord... please forgive me?

His eyes sparkle with delight as His Word says “Done! Let’s begin again...” (1 John 1:9)

So the dance begins again.

As for you, if you have lost your step or even lost sight of your dance floor of prayer and encounter – get up, dust-off and start again today. Dancers are taught. Be teachable. Jesus will teach you what you need to know step-by-step, Word by Word, precept by precept how to pray, how to believe, how to stay close to Him, how to win, and how to follow His lead.

And cue music...

Pastor Angie Werk
New Life Victory Church
Lac La Biche, AB