

When The Odds Are Not In Your Favor

When The Odds Are Not In Your Favor

“When The Odds Are Not In Your Favour”

This morning my family received the news that we were all holding our breath and hoping not to hear. It’s bad news this morning, more bad news upon what seems to be an ocean of bad news; we learn that mom does have cancer...

Have you ever been in this place of feeling like you were up against unbeatable odds? That the circumstances around you are impossible to overcome? If you have, I want to share with you a passage of scripture that God brought me to just yesterday.

In 2 Chronicles 20 there is a story about God’s people being surrounded by an enemy so vast and comprehensive that they had no chance for survival. The leader of God’s people at that time was named  King Jehoshaphat and when he heard the news that there was a VAST army that was moving towards his people to overthrow them, the king was “terrified by the news and begged God for guidance” (v3). Instead of wallowing in fear and being overcome by sorrow, the story says that this king called his people together and began to pray, proclaiming boldly the power of God
“You alone are the God who is in Heaven. You are ruler of all Kingdoms of the earth. You are powerful and mighty; no one can stand against you!” (v6)

The king:

  • Went first to God for guidance
  • Acknowledged that even though he and his people were powerless, God was NOT.

In verse 15 we learn how God responds to the king’s plea for help. He lovingly comforts His people by telling them to not be afraid or discouraged, He’s got it- He’ll fight the battle for them. The battle was too big for them to fight, but it wasn’t too big for God. It’s never too big for God, after all remember - HE IS ALL POWERFUL, no one can stand against Him.

The story continues in verse 20 with Jehoshaphat stopping his people right before they entered the battlefield. Against impossible odds he is about to send his people into battle, but he pauses to remind them to draw their strength not what they see in front of them, but rather from from their trust and belief in what is not always seen with human eyes. To stand firm in the goodness of God.

In the very next verse the story says that instead of sending out his strongest men, or those who were most skilled in battle, the king sent out the worshipers on the front line, “he appointed singers to walk ahead of the army, singing to the LORD and praising Him for His Holy splendour.”

Yes, you read that right.. He sent out worshipers, and verse 22 states that at THE VERY MOMENT they began to praise God by singing “Give Thanks to the LORD; His faithful love endures forever”, the enemy was confused and began fighting each other. They fought each other ‘until not one remained’.

What an amazing illustration of thanksgiving and praise!

Giving thanks isn’t just a cute thing we do to give God a metaphorical ‘high-five’, it’s actual warfare! Scripture tells us that God sits upon the praises of His people. (Psalm 22:3) What an incredible thing to imagine that as we move in praise and thanksgiving, God rides upon and conquers the battles around us.

In the same way the enemy was confused when the worshipers in the story began to sing and praise, the enemy of our soul is utterly confused when we respond to impossible circumstances with thanksgiving and praise. It doesn’t make sense to him. The devil doesn’t understand how we can give thanks and praise in the storm, in the fire, in the cancer…

As I read this passage, it is confirmed to me that every time one person stands beside another in praise and thanksgiving we are mobilizing an army, one soldier at a time. Every time we choose thanksgiving instead of sorrow we are becoming a force unstoppable to the powers of Hell.

In response to the tragedy happening all over the world, God is calling His people to RISE UP in the power of HIS might.

Rise up - “Don't let evil conquer you, but conquer evil by doing good.” (Romans 12:21)

Your voice matters, and your praise is a weapon that our enemy does not understand how to defeat.



Take some ground today warrior;

"through His mighty power at work within us, (God is able) to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think." - Ephesians 3:2