

When Your Yes Doesn't Make Sense

When Your Yes Doesn't Make Sense

David & Goliath is a story most of us grew up hearing about if we attended Sunday School as children. A popular story of a little boy and a giant, and the power God gave him to overcome this “10 foot tall” warrior on the enemies side.

David was just a simple boy, too small and too young to join the army himself; he was the messenger and “meals on wheels” boy for his older brothers who were in the army. He wasn’t someone that anyone would expect to be the hero - in fact, Saul told David he was ‘too young and inexperienced’ to fight, and the armour didn’t even come close to fitting him in a way that would do him any good. This was the boy that didn’t have any worldly logical reason to say “yes” to fighting Goliath - and yet, he felt the call and so he did.

His “yes” to the call didn’t make sense - he wasn’t experienced, was too young, too tiny, too everything and so not enough at the same time. His only reason to answer the call of saying YES was because he felt the call and knew that God would be with him;he knew in his heart that if he let God work through him, ANYTHING was possible, despite what anyone else could say.

Sometimes, when God asks us to do things, we get the Moses syndrome - “but but but God....” and we begin to list the reasons of why we cannot be the right choice for the task. We aren’t ready, there’s someone better equipped, we don’t know how, or afraid to look like a fool - but when God asks us, and we don’t feel ready or qualified,we need to realize that that is because God doesn’t just want us to do it, He wants to work THROUGH us, and He can’t be the strength and power behind it if we want to depend on our own strength and power. Our weakness is the opportunity for God’s strength to shine through.

Has God been asking you to do something that you feel very much unqualified for? Are you confused to why he would want to use you, and not just choose someone better suited for the task?Our “yes” doesn’t always make sense to us - or even to anyone around us sometimes -but if God asks you to do it, your “yes” makes sense to Him.